Marsha Friend-Berkson: Leading Lady on Women Lead Radio


Bust Out of That “same ol” vanilla box. Be Your Own Trailblazer!

Join us today for Women Lead Radio as Michelle Bergquist, your host of Women Who Lead, interviews Marsha Friend-Berkson, Founder at Marsha Friend-Berkson Consulting.

Marsha is an Organizational Growth Advisor, Consultant and Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. Marsha focuses on helping organizations and their teams find their strengths. Marsha shares advice on how her unique process starts with the team and then she integrates those findings with the companies? leadership. We talk to Marsha on how to ?bust out of that ?same ol? vanilla box?Be Your Own Trailblazer!?

Marsha specializes in the not-for-profit arena. She spent years overseeing the social action program for the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry at Jewish Family Service of San Diego. Marsha empowered the student youth leadership to learn the business practices of how to run a food bank. Marsha has also been instrumental in establishing the Susan G. Komen San Diego first mobile mammography coach.

Marsha was recently named a top 4 final nominee at the San Diego Women of Influence Awards for the Emerging Woman Owned Business Award!

We asked Marsha What are the top three tips, strategies, or pieces of advice you would give to other professional women as they try to make their mark, be a leader and succeed in business?

“Bust out of that ‘same ol’ vanilla box. Don’t be afraid to make changes in your life. Edit yourself and evolve. Be unconventional in the context of your traditional self. Put yourself out there in a whole new and daunting capacity because trying something totally different from your norm can be exhilarating! Give yourself the space to stumble and fall knowing that you?ll always find the resolve to get back up and dust yourself off. Trust that each learning experience will help you navigate the topography of your unique path in life. Be your own trailblazer!”

Marsha is guiding leaders and team members of for-profit and non-profit organizations through personal development, employee engagement and organizational transformation."

Marsha Berkson