Leveraging the Freedoms of Remote Work to Maximize Joy


I trust you” is one of the most powerful things any manager or colleague can say to a team member. Perhaps they’re saying it about making an important decision, leading the strategy for a project, or, as often is  the case these days, in regards to time management with remote work.

There were hesitations across the board in the early WFH days. Were people actually working? What would happen to productivity? Thankfully, we’ve left these questions behind to embrace a more trusting and supportive workplace. As part of the shift, we’re moving away from the expectation of being constantly available to a more relaxed mindset in which employees are trusted to manage their own time. In this beautiful new era where micromanagement and distrust are refreshingly absent, how do you make this freedom work for you in the most impactful way possible? Let’s dive in.

Freedom Inventory

Let’s start with a few questions to help you understand your “freedom inventory.” Your freedom inventory is an assessment of how you spend your time so you can reflect on ways to get the most out of your day. Throughout your reflections, be mindful of how to make this shift work for you and in a way that’s first and foremost about cultivating joy.

What does a typical day look like?

Ask yourself questions like how many hours do I spend a day working? How many of those are productive? What fills the rest of my time? Be honest and detailed when taking stock, down to things that might only take up 15 minutes of your time.

What gives you the most joy?

Now that you have your list, think about which activities make you the happiest. If your days usually vary, try thinking about “themes” or categories of time spent. If it helps, rank them in order of amount of time spent or in order of most to least gratifying.

Does how you spend your time align with your expectations?

Are you surprised by what you found? Sometimes, it’s the small pockets of time that sneak up on us and take up larger chunks of our day than we thought. Armed with your newfound insights, reflect on what shifts you would like to see for yourself to maximize not only your time, but joy.

Turn reflections into action

Our time is our most valuable asset, and when it’s spent mindfully, you’ll find you stop asking, “where did the day go?” Start with small steps to implement the changes you’ve outlined for yourself. For example, would starting your day a little earlier give you more personal time? Would carving out time for hobbies or passion projects help you disconnect to reconnect? How about personal goals? 

Here’s a helpful exercise: try writing out a perfect day from morning to night, being sure to check boxes from your key categories. If everything doesn’t fit in the day, expand your exercise from an ideal day to an ideal week. As you test out new formats for your day, check in with yourself and continue experimenting until you’ve hit your flow.

Taking advantage of the freedoms remote work affords us is a pathway to a more joyful life where you’re more present and fulfilled. As you read this newsletter, if you felt stuck or unclear about how to turn your desires into action, let’s talk. I’d be happy to help you navigate and reflect impactfully. When you approach this exercise meaningfully, you’ll find it’s an opportunity to create positive change for yourself, and when it comes to transformations, I’d be honored to be on the journey with you.

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Marsha Berkson